Frigid Weather (0° - 40° F)

Frigid Weather (0° - 40° F)


    Our Frigid Weather collection features the ultimate in Weather-shielding fabrics.

    Just because temps are below 40°F doesn't mean you need to layer up like Ralphie's brother in the movie A Christmas Story. Excessive layers only elevate body temperature, which leads to increased perspiration, and an increased body chill in wind or times of reduced effort.

    With the proper jacket, you can skip a jersey and go with just a base layer. We recommend the Vertex Jacket and Bib Tights, paired with the High Country Wool Base Layer. Add some accessories, like a cap, gaiter, gloves, etc., and you're all set to brave the cold. 

    Ideal for cold days and temperatures between 0° - 40° F.